Animation The creation of the illusion of motion on a computer or a TV screen by playing a series of images, one after the other, at a very fast rate. (See multimedia.) Browser Specific software that enables users to navigate through the cyberspace of the World Wide Web. Netscape is one of the most popular browsers. (See WWW, Netscape.) Compression A way of shrinking a file in order to save space on your disk and reduce transmission time. (See data compression.) Data compression The compression of data (text, sound, or graphics) in order to reduce the size of a file. The larger the file, the more time it takes to open or transfer it. (See compression.) Downloading Connecting to another computer and placing one of its files on your computer. (See FTP.) Emblaze A new software based technology developed by Geo, which lets you play a real-time, on-line, full motion animation on the WWW. Emblaze creator Advanced authoring tool which enables non-programming Internet users and Web-site owners to easily create their own animation to be displayed on the Net. Emblaze player A new software which enables Internet users to play real-time, on-line, full-motion animation created with Emblaze technology. FTP- File Transfer Protocol One of the main ways in which you can retrieve files from other computers on the Internet. (See protocol.) Geo Geo Interactive Media Group is a multimedia development company specializing in education, CBT, adventure games, and new technologies. Products include banking and international trade courseware (Letters of Credit), Internet tutorial (Netcracker), Power Rangers game, Masked Rider game, Aircraft Recognition Training, Emblaze technology, etc. Hard drive A computerized storage unit used to store data. Unlike other storage units such as CD-ROM, a hard drive is available for both reading and writing. Internet All networks and servers in the world that deal with Internet-related issues (WWW, Gopher, Newsgroups, E-Mail, FTP, IRC, etc.) and communicate with each other viaTCP/IP. (See TCP, IP.) Java The JavaScript is a computer language for developing client and server applications on the Internet. If a certain Web page has a Java application, it enables the Net user to perform a certain action (such as play an audio file or enter his/her credit card number). Multimedia A combination of different types of information, such as text, movies, sound, etc. On the Internet, Web pages can present music, animation, and video clips along with textual information. (See Web page.) Netscape One of the most popular Web browsers. Netscape provides multimedia display of Web pages, FTP sites, Gopher, etc. In addition, it includes internal software for dealing with electronic mail and newsgroups. (See Gopher, FTP Usenet, E-Mail, browser.) Plug-in An application written in order to broaden the Web browser's features. After you download the plug-in to your computer and place it in the plug-in folder, your Web browser will be able to offer you additional features. For example, after you install the Emblaze plug-in, you'll be able to play Emblaze movies, found on the Web. (See - Emblaze, application). Site A computer that supplies some sort of service. For example, a Web site provides Web services, an FTP site provides FTP services. (See Web site.) Text A file that contains only letters and numbers (ASCII signs). Its filename always ends with "txt". (See filename extension.) URL - Uniform Resource Locator A set format for displaying a Web page address on the Internet, for example: . (See http, Web page.) Web site A computer that stores Web pages and lets Internet users open, see, and download the information on the pages as desired. (See Web page, WWW.)